Geschwister Oetker Beteiligungen KG donates EUR 1.5 million for Ukraine
Bielefeld | 16 March 2022 . In response to the humanitarian crisis in Ukraine, Geschwister Oetker Beteiligungen KG is donating EUR 1.5 million to refugee aid. The owners and managing directors of all group companies have decided to share their donation between the two Ukraine emergency aid programmes of Unicef and Welthungerhilfe.
Dr. Alfred Oetker, Co-CEO and Co-Owner: “It is vital for the whole world to stand together - not only in condemning the attack, but in helping those affected.”
Ferdinand Oetker, Co-CEO and Co-Owner: “The management team of our holding company wanted to send a clear signal in this regard, also to show our gratitude to all the employees for their commitment to supporting people in need.”
For more information on the funded organisations, please visit and”
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